The Peoples Law Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit and a civil legal services program. We believe housing is a human right. Our practice of law seeks to center our services in an antiracist, abolitionist and equity practice. We provide representation in eviction defense for marginalized people, focusing especially on tenants without authorization to be in the United States.
We primarily provide legal representation for tenants being evicted in Dane County Small Claims Court.
El Centro de Derecho de la Gente | Peoples Law Center provides free legal representation, community education, and intentional partnerships to increase access to the legal system.
We increase access to the legal system by providing marginalized low income people with the necessary support to meaningfully participate in the legal system to address the inherent power imbalance in the legal system. We seek to navigate and make systemic change in the legal system collaboratively with clients and community to increase access to the legal system for all.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.